Behind The Scenes: Capital of Country Music The Sparkles (Riversdale) mid-interview 2 of 3 directors, Jenny Mitchell + Wade McClelland, interview Kayla Mahon Director, Bradon McCaughey, grabs a close up of Linda Sinclair (left) and Coral McCauley (right) Jenny interviews Donna and Dame Lynda Topp on the future of country music in NZ Erica Byars (age 8) after her 2023 NZ Gold Guitar Auditions Phil Geary Interview Still - Post 2023 NZ Gold Guitar Awards (Awards Convenyor + Lifetime Club Member) Max McCauley and Ron Mitchell taking a walk past the iconic Hands of Fame A round table interview with some of the club's founding members, Max McCauley, Robert Morrison and Bill and Stewart Abernathy Max and Coral McCauley, mid-interview